
If you are interested in more details on how to use IESopt.jl directly, please refer to it’s source code.

This page contains the docstrings of all things that are part of the public API of IESopt, except:

  • All core components. Their full documentation is available in the components section.

  • The docstrings related to sub-modules of IESopt, e.g., IESopt.Assets. These can be found in the sub-pages of the current section.


  • You can use IESopt.IESU as abbreviation for IESopt.Utilities, which allows using, e.g., IESU.annuity(...) after doing using IESopt - which may be better to understand when reading the code instead of IESopt.Utilities.annuity(...) (when only importing), or Utilities.annuity(...) (which does not show any relation to IESopt).


The public API of the Python wrapper was, as far as possible, designed to be almost identical to the one of the Julia package, so things should look similar.

For example, the following Python code:

import iesopt

model = iesopt.generate("config.iesopt.yaml")

my_result = model.get_component("turbine").exp.out_water

can be translated to Julia like this:

import IESopt

model = IESopt.generate!("config.iesopt.yaml")

my_result = IESopt.get_component(model, "turbine").exp.out_water

API Reference



struct Carrier
    unit::Union{String, Nothing}

Represents a single (energy) carrier with a given name.

This is mostly used to represent various commodities that (easily) represent some form of energy (e.g. gas, water, …), but also enables modelling commodities that are not (treated as) representing some type of energy (e.g. CO2). Specify unit to bind that carrier to an (arbitrary) unit that allows easier plotting and result analysis.



A struct to represent an IESopt.jl “Core Template”.



A mutable struct representing a general expression in the optimization model.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The IESopt model associated with the expression.

  • dirty::Bool: A flag indicating if the expression is dirty (modified but not updated). Defaults to false.

  • temporal::Bool: A flag indicating if the expression is temporal. Defaults to false.

  • empty::Bool: A flag indicating if the expression is empty. Defaults to false.

  • value::Union{Nothing, JuMP.VariableRef, JuMP.AffExpr, Vector{JuMP.AffExpr}, Float64, Vector{Float64}}: The value of the expression, which can be a JuMP variable reference, affine expression, vector of affine expressions, float, or vector of floats. Defaults to nothing.

  • internal::Union{Nothing, NamedTuple}: Internal data associated with the expression. Defaults to nothing.

Usage examples

if !my_exp.empty
    # ... do something with `my_exp`, since it contains values ...
# Get the Expression's value at Snapshot `t`.
access(my_exp, t)

# Get the Expression's value - could be vector-valued.

Both ways to access the value can be used with a type assertion to get the value in a specific type:

# Get the Expression's value at Snapshot `t` as a Float64.
access(my_exp, t, Float64)

# Get the Expression's value as a Float64.
access(my_exp, Float64)

If the value of my_exp is a vector of Float64, the first call will succeed, while the second will throw a type assertion error.



The internal data structure used by IESopt.jl to store all relevant information about the model, its components, and results.


This constant defines a union type NonEmptyExpressionValue which describes any value type that an Expression can hold, guaranteeing that the Expression can not be empty.


This constant defines a union type NonEmptyNumericalExpressionValue which describes any numerical value type that an Expression can hold, guaranteeing that the Expression can not be empty. JuMP objects are not included, and it can be either scalar or vector-valued.


This constant defines a union type NonEmptyScalarExpressionValue which describes any scalar-valued type that an Expression can hold, guaranteeing that the Expression can not be empty.


This constant defines a union type OptionalScalarExpressionValue which describes any scalar-valued value type that an Expression can hold. Due to Optional it also includes nothing.


struct Snapshot


Represent a specific timestamp, that can be tied to timeseries values.

Each Snapshot expects a name, that can be used to hold a timestamp (as String; therefore supporting arbitrary formats). The weight (default = 1.0) specifies the “probabilistic weight” of this Snapshot or the length of the timeperiod that begins there (a weight of 2 can therefore represent a 2-hour-resolution; this also allows a variable temporal resolution throughout the year/month/…).


A Virtual (component) is a component that does not exist in the model, but one that a user might expect to exist. These are “components” that refer to a template. If a user creates a component “my_storage_foo”, of type “Battery”, they might expect (and want) to be able to interact with “my_storage_foo”. Since the template is flattened into explicit CoreComponents in the back, “my_storage_foo” does not actually exist - a problem that these Virtuals solve.




Check whether the passed expression passes an ArgCheck.@check, especially helpful to validate a Template’s parameters.


A validate section added to a Template can make use of the @check macro to validate the parameters passed to the template. The macro will properly raise a descriptive error if the condition is not met.

  p: null

  validate: |
    @check this.get("p") isa Number
    @check this.get("p") > 0

See [“Template Validation”](@ref manual_templates_validation) in the documentation for more information.

!!! warning “Usage outside of Core Template validation” This requires __component__ to be set to some String outside of calling the macro, since it accesses this to construct a proper error message.


@config(model, expr, type::Union{Symbol, Expr}=:Any)

Returns or sets a configuration value in the model’s configuration dictionary.

This macro is used to set and retrieve configuration values in the model’s configuration dictionary. This resolves the access properly during compile time. A type can be optionally specified to assert the type of the value.


# Setting a configuration value.
@config(model, general.verbosity.core) = "info"

# Getting a configuration value.
verbosity = @config(model, general.verbosity.core, String)


@critical(msg, args...)

A macro that logs an error message and then throws an error with the same message. Use it in the same way you would use @error, or @info, etc.


  • msg: The main error message to be logged and thrown.

  • args...: Additional arguments to be included in the error log.


@profile(arg1, arg2=nothing)

This macro is used to profile the execution of a function. It captures the time, memory allocation, and number of calls of the function. The profiling data is stored in the _profiling field of the _IESoptData structure. The identifier passed to the macro is used to store the profiling data. If no identifier is provided, the function’s name is used as the identifier.

Options to use this macro are:

  • @profile model “identifier” foo()

  • @profile model foo()

  • @profile “identifier” foo(model)

  • @profile foo(model)




Access the value of an Expression object.


add_term_to_objective!(model::JuMP.Model, objective::String, term::Union{JuMP.AffExpr, JuMP.VariableRef})

Add a term to an objective in the model, which can be used for dynamically creating objectives, e.g., in addons.

The default objective (that always exists) is called “total_cost”. Other objectives can be dynamically registered using register_objective!, or they can be added based on the YAML configuration.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The model to add the term to.

  • objective::String: The name of the objective to add the term to.

  • term::Union{JuMP.AffExpr, JuMP.VariableRef}: The term to add to the objective.


add_term_to_objective!(model, "my_obj", 2 * x)



Builds and prepares the given IESopt model. This function performs the following steps:

  1. Prepares the model by ensuring necessary conversions before performing consistency checks.

  2. Checks the consistency of all parsed components in the model.

  3. If any component fails the consistency check, an error is raised.

  4. Builds the model if all components pass the consistency checks.

  5. Logs profiling results after the build process, displaying the top 5 profiling results.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The IESopt model to be built and prepared.


  • Raises an error if any component does not pass the consistency check.


function compute_IIS(model::JuMP.Model; filename::String = "")

Compute the IIS and print it. If filename is specified it will instead write all constraints to the given file. This will fail if the solver does not support IIS computation.


docify(model::JuMP.Model, filename::String; format::String="markdown")

Document an IESopt model in the given format. Experimental feature, use with caution. Some formulations are currently not (or only partially) converted.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The model to document.

  • filename::String: The filename to save the documentation.

  • format::String: The format to save the documentation in. Default is “markdown”.


extract_result(model::JuMP.Model; path::String = "./out", write_to_file::Bool=true)



generate!(filename::String; @nospecialize(kwargs...))

Generate an IESopt model based on the top-level config in filename.


  • filename::String: The name of the file to load.

Keyword Arguments
To be documented.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The generated IESopt model.



Retrieve the vector T from the IESopt model.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The IESopt model from which to extract the vector T.


  • Vector{_ID}: The vector T.


function get_component(model::JuMP.Model, component_name::AbstractString)

Get the component component_name from model.


get_components(model::JuMP.Model; tagged::Union{Nothing, String, Vector{String}} = nothing)

Retrieve components from a given IESopt model.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The IESopt model from which to retrieve components.

  • tagged::Union{Nothing, String, Vector{String}}: Optional argument to specify tagged components to retrieve. If nothing, all components are retrieved. If a String or Vector{String}, only components with the specified tags are retrieved.


  • Vector{_CoreComponent}: A subset of components from the model.



Get a global setting for IESopt.


  • type::String: The type of global setting. Currently supports: “parameters”, “config”, “addons”, “carriers”, “components”, “load_components”, “skip_validation”.


  • The global setting.


using IESopt



get_value_at(x::T, ::_ID) where {T <: Union{Nothing, Real, JuMP.VariableRef, JuMP.AffExpr}}

Returns the value of x at any Snapshot index t. Can be used to access variables without needing to handle whether they are vector-valued or not.


  • x::T: The input value which can be of type Nothing, Real, JuMP.VariableRef, or JuMP.AffExpr.

  • ::_ID: Unused Snapshot index.


  • The value of x.



Get the current version of IESopt.jl.


  • String: The current version of IESopt.jl.



Retrieve the internal data structure from the JuMP model.


make_base_name(comp::_CoreComponent, str::String)

Create a JuMP object (e.g., a variable) for a given component based on the component’s name and a user-defined string.


  • comp: The core component for which to create the base name.

  • str: The user-defined string to append to the component’s name.


  • A string containing the base name for the object.


    [t = get_T(model)],
    profile.exp.value[t] <= 1,
    base_name = make_base_name(profile, "con_custom"),
    container = Array,


optimize!(model::JuMP.Model; kwargs...)

Optimize the given IESopt model with optional keyword arguments.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The IESopt model to be optimized.

  • kwargs...: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the JuMP.optimize! function.

This function performs the following steps:

  1. If there are constraint safety penalties, it relaxes the constraints based on these penalties.

  2. Sets the verbosity of the solver output based on the model’s configuration.

  3. Logs the solver output to a file if logging is enabled and supported by the solver.

  4. Calls JuMP.optimize! to solve the model.

  5. Checks the result count and termination status to log the optimization outcome.

  6. Analyzes the constraint safety results if there were any constraint safety penalties.

  7. Extracts and saves the results if the model is solved and feasible.

  8. Profiles the results after optimization.


  • Logs messages about the relaxation of constraints, solver output, and optimization status.

  • Logs warnings if the safety constraint feature is triggered or if unexpected result counts are encountered.

  • Logs errors if the solver log file setup fails, if no results are returned, or if extracting results is not possible.


  • nothing: This function does not return any value.



Extracts the most important information from an IESopt model file, and returns it as a dictionary.


pack(file::String; out::String="", method=:store)

Packs the IESopt model specified by the top-level config file file into single file.

The out argument specifies the output file name. If not specified, a temporary file is created. Returns the output file name. The method argument specifies the compression method to use. The default is :store, which means no compression is used. The other option is :deflate, which uses the DEFLATE compression method. The default (:auto) applies :store to all files below 1 MB, :deflate otherwise.


parse!(model::JuMP.Model, filename::AbstractString; kwargs...)

Parse the model configuration from a specified file and update the given JuMP.Model object.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The JuMP model to be updated.

  • filename::AbstractString: The path to the configuration file. The file must have a .iesopt.yaml extension.

Keyword Arguments
To be documented.


  • Bool: Returns true if the model was successfully parsed.


  • Logs a critical error if the file does not have the .iesopt.yaml extension or if there is an error while parsing the model.


register_objective!(model::JuMP.Model, objective::String)

Register a new objective in the model, which can for dynamically creating objectives, e.g., in addons.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The model to register the objective in.

  • objective::String: The name of the objective to register.


register_objective!(model, "my_obj")

which is equivalent to:

      my_obj: []


run(filename::String; kwargs...)

Build, optimize, and return a model.


  • filename::String: The path to the top-level configuration file.

Keyword Arguments

Keyword arguments are passed to the generate!(...) function.



Safely closes the file logger’s iostream if it is open. This function checks if the logger associated with the given model is a LoggingExtras.TeeLogger and if it contains a IESopt._FileLogger as one of its loggers. If the file logger’s stream is open, it will be closed.


  • model::JuMP.Model: The IESopt model which contains the logger to be closed.


  • nothing: This function does not return any value.


  • The function includes a try-catch block to handle any potential errors during the closing process. Currently, the catch block does not perform any actions.


set_global!(type::String, key::String, @nospecialize(value))

Set a global setting for IESopt. These will be used as defaults for every subsequent function call (that supports these). User passed settings will override these defaults.


  • type::String: The type of global setting. Currently supports: “parameters”, “config”, “addons”, “carriers”, “components”, “load_components”.

  • key::String: The key of the global setting.

  • value: The value of the global setting.


using IESopt

set_global!("config", "general.verbosity.core", "error")


function to_table(model::JuMP.Model; path::String = "./out", write_to_file::Bool=true)

Turn model into a set of CSV files containing all core components that represent the model.

This can be useful by running

IESopt.parse!(model, filename)

which will parse the model given by filename, without actually building it (which saves a lot of time), and will output a complete “description” in core components (that are the resolved version of all non-core components).

If write_to_file is false it will instead return a dictionary of all DataFrames.


unpack(file::String; out::String="", force_overwrite::Bool=false)

Unpacks the IESopt model specified by file.

The out argument specifies the output directory. If not specified, a temporary directory is created. Returns the path to the top-level config file. The force_overwrite argument specifies whether to overwrite existing files.



Validate the model description bsaed on the given top-level configuration file. This function checks the top-level configuration file and all referenced files for validity. The function returns true if the model description is valid, and false otherwise. If the model description is invalid, the function will print an error message.


  • toplevel_config_file::String: The path to the top-level configuration file.


  • valid::Bool: Whether the model description is valid (true), or not (false).


write_to_file(model::JuMP.Model, filename::String; format::JuMP.MOI.FileFormats.FileFormat = JuMP.MOI.FileFormats.FORMAT_AUTOMATIC, kwargs...)

Write the given IESopt model to a file with the specified filename and format.

Be aware, that this function will overwrite any existing file with the same name!


  • model::JuMP.Model: The IESopt model to be written to a file.

  • filename::String: The name of the file to which the model should be written. Note that if the format is set to FORMAT_AUTOMATIC, the the file extension will be forced to lower case to allow detection.

  • format::JuMP.MOI.FileFormats.FileFormat (optional): The format in which the model should be written. The default is JuMP.MOI.FileFormats.FORMAT_AUTOMATIC; if left as that, it will try to automatically determine the format based on the file extension.

All additional keyword arguments are passed to the JuMP.write_to_file function.


  • String: The absolute path to the file to which the model was written.


import IESopt

model = IESopt.generate!("config.iesopt.yaml")
IESopt.write_to_file(model, "model.lp")